SPENGA Montvale
295 W Grand Avenue Montvale, New Jersey 07645 |
9193084630 | |
https://Montvalenj.spenga.com |
SPENGA is the first studio of its kind to put equal focus on Cardio-Strength-Flexibility all in one 60-minute workout. SPENGA prides itself on delivering a workout that will maximize your results without breaking down your body. A 60 Minute workout broken into 3 pockets of 20 minutes 1. 20 minutes of SPIN: Huge caloric burn with very low impact to heat up your body and start shredding calories! 2. 20 minutes of STRENGTH: Our instructors stay with you every step of the way to personalize the experience and make modifications. 3. 20 minutes of YOGA: Restores the body and allows for quicker recovery between workouts.